Important Tips To Keep In Mind While Buying A Bumper Car

Are you planning to surprise your little one this birthday with a bumper car(аттракцион автодром машинки)? Has he always loved getting on to one whenever he/she saw it in an amusement park? If yes, there won’t be a happier soul than your kid this birthday because honestly, bumper cars are amazing. Moreover, you can buy more than one bumper car and have an entire setup in your backyard. As you know bumper cars need a special floor from where they draw power to move around. So, that would need some open space. When you have three or four cars running in the circuit, everyone together can have fun.

As a kid when you first visit an amusement park(детские парки развлечений), bumper cars draw a lot of attention. The thrill of being able to drive a car of your own gives you this ecstatic feeling. The fun starts when you hit others with the car and they hit you back. All the jerking, non-sensical turns and hours of driving fills you with a longing to come back again. But, when you have the same setup at your home, there’s nothing like it. Let’s take a look at some of the tips that you should keep in mind while buying bumper cars.

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buy bumper cars for sale

The rubber underneath the car

Bumper cars (бамперные машинки) have a thick rubber base that allows the bump of two cars to make the ride fun. Whenever you are buying a bumper car, always keep an eye on the quality of rubber. It should not be too hard. This will make the bump quite strong and may injure your kid. The rubber should be soft enough, but not too soft that it will wear and tear with regular use.

The comfort of the seat

There are two types of bumper cars that are available; one with a plastic seat and the other with rubber coated seat. Always go for the latter. This will not let you slide in front while you are hit by another car. Remember that your child is still small and can easily slide and fall in the space between the seat and the steering wheel. Also, rubber seats are more comfortable. Click here for more information:

buy bumper cars from China
buy bumper cars from China

Easy controls

Some of the controls of the bumper cars(автодром) at amusement parks come with a lot of advanced controls. There is no need for you to buy such cars. These are expensive and have the same effect as the ones with basic controls. The game is just about bumping into each other. It is not an actual car that you can drive on the road. So, buy the cars that come with simple and basic controls. This will not confuse your kid while he/she is driving it.

Bumper cars in amusement parks will never grow old. This is an absolute peach of a game that is loved by kids and elders. Yes, if you have the full setup in your home it can be slightly expensive with all the power that goes into it. But, hey, nothing compares to that sound of laughter when your kids bump into each other while driving one of these cars.